Autumn Seave
2 min readDec 19, 2021


This account used to make at least several hundred dollars a month.

This month? I’ve made $20 so far.

Ok — one of the reasons I make less is because I haven’t published as much. But you should have to publish once a day or more to get your article seen.

So, what can I do about it?

  • publish even more (and watch the quality decrease)
  • publish less but pay more attention to quality
  • include links to older articles in newer articles
  • tweet older articles
  • try a writer collaboration (who’s in? We’ll talk about that)
  • publish more often in publications
  • publish less often in publications
  • make one post a week free (a good one, not a lazy one)

The truth is — this account has been struggling for a while. But this account is the one I love (as compared to my real name account).

Photo by Twitter @ethmessages on Unsplash

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