Is It Just Me Or Is Medium Broken?

I just renewed my membership and there’s a lot of funky stuff going on

Autumn Seave
2 min readJun 6, 2024
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

As I mentioned yesterday, I’m doing some restructuring. Part of that is moving my erotic fiction to Substack. That means deleting those stories (or most of them) from here.

I’ve renewed my membership because I’m still going to be posting here, and frankly I miss the community and the reading.

But when I delete a story, it looks like it’s gone…but then I come back and it’s still there! I’m getting kind of annoyed by this. Because deleting a story from a platform should not be so difficult. I should be able to delete anything I want without having this many problems.

Also, I can’t even see most of my stories without going to my profile. When I go to the Stories section in my writing dashboard and then select Published I only get 20–30 stories and then it stops scrolling. There’s always been a little bit of a lag when I get to the bottom of the page but then more stories would be loaded. Now, it just stops, no matter how long I wait.

I’ll give it a little time and maybe these issues will work themselves out and I can get back to work.

Has anyone else noticed these problems or others?

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